Good News in the Bulletin of Credit Suisse
07.11.2017 - 08:57
Once again good news, so good news to announce: The current Bulletin of Credit Suisse first title with the very positive title „Good News“. For many years, Switzerland’s tradition-steeped worries barometer examined the negative perspectives of society and the economy. Now, in a „self-test“, the editorial team is more about the good sides and opportunities of our world.
When Credit Suisse reported on my Barometer of Joy in 2014, it was unanimously agreed that a reputable banking magazine must first and foremost focus on global risks in the financial market and in politics. My joy. Impulses were taken as a welcome outlook. A few years later, the Bulletin also picks up on the new approach of constructive journalism, which is gradually finding its way into Anglo-American and Scandinavian space in German-speaking media as well. The usual well-researched, extremely versatile style and the diversity of topics that have characterized the Bulletin for many years have remained the same. But it is an experiment for now. The Worry Barometer should continue to exist, leaving enough room for risk and cautionary issues for investors. We can look forward to the reactions of the readership.
From the editorial of the Bulletin „Good News“, No. 3/2017:
„This issue of Bulletin begins with a newspaper you won’t ¡ nd at your local newsstand: Good News. It has two purposes. First, we want to highlight the fact that the world is doing remarkably well, contrary to widespread opinion. In 1820, 94 out of 100 people were living in poverty, whereas only 10 percent of the world’s population was poor in 2015. Whether we look at literacy, education, vaccinations, equal rights or access to the internet, the trend is positive. Things are improving.
Second, Good News will let you test yourself: Would you buy a newspaper filled with good news? The reasons why people prefer to consume bad news are described in another article.
Despite those preferences, in this issue of Bulletin we want to share some positive stories. We report from Vietnam, which has made rapid progress in a short period of time; we profile a successful fintech start-up in Nigeria; and we meet Urs Hölzle, the eighth employee to join Google and the man the Swiss broadcasting company Schweizer Fernsehen has called “the most important Swiss transplant in Silicon Valley”.
Not everything happening in the world is good. International terrorism has increased dramatically since the year 2000. Nearly 800 million people have too little to eat. In many places, inequality and corruption are worsening. The Earth is getting warmer. Every day we hear about what is going wrong – and we, too, will continue to report on these challenges. But this issue reflects the spirit of Holocaust survivor Hannah Pick-Goslar, who said, “Thank God, I’m able to laugh. There are enough people who are constantly whining.”“