Bahman Nirumand’s latest Iran Report

Bahman Nirumand’s latest Iran Report

WORLD SALON speaker Bahman Nirumand reports about the execution of two minors, Steinmeiers visit in Teheran and a photo exhibition on Iran in Berlin. This and other news from politics, culture and economy in the November issue of the Iran report. With the election Hassan Rohanis to the Iranian president and his assumption of office […]


German Archeologists Return in Iraq

German Archeologists Return in Iraq

WORLD SALON speaker Margarete van Ess continues her heart project and is honored as „excellent ambassador for Germany“.   Wars, conflicts and the iconoclasm of the Islamic state threaten cultural assets in the Arabian world. For the first time since 2002 German archeologists pursued again fieldwork in Southern Iraq – under big safety measures. … […]


Should the West Limit Itself?

Should the West Limit Itself?

Heinz Theisen opens us a wide historic and inspiring perspective: „The West believed that his values would pacify the world. However, the unipolar Western world order was a utopia. Instead of the end of history, we now have endless conflicts.“ (Guest commentary – in German – in NZZ, 4.11.15). Should the West limit itself? How […]


Nobel Peace Prize for Tunisian Civil Society Organizations

Nobel Peace Prize for Tunisian Civil Society Organizations

The National Dialogue Quartet of Tunisia receives the Nobel Peace Prize 2015 for its outstanding contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011. What a great inspiration for promoting and spreading peace and democracy! In December 2013, a deal was concluded to ask the […]


Accepting Refugees

Accepting Refugees

Accepting Refugees is First of all Human, and Makes Economic Sense. „Everey euro we spend on training migrants is a euro to avoid shortage of skilled labour“, German state government declared some days ago. To accept refugees is not only human, it makes economically sense. Accepting refugees Read more in New Scientist. To unconditionally connect […]


How the renewal of the Arabian language could change the society.

How the renewal of the Arabian language could change the society.

The gap between Highly Arabic and colloquial language is striking. More and more people wish that the official language approaches to the real life. Particularly during the Arabian spring it was demanded in Egypt. Traditional representatives and leaders reject the change of the ancient tradition strictly. How the renewal of the Arabian language The Egyptian […]


Unexpected Twists of Big Data

Unexpected Twists of Big Data

How complexe human brain is, how similar it is organized to the universe or even to simpler structured mouse brains… Infographics expert Manuel Lima has visualized a fascinating history of humanity’s urge to map what we know. Unexpected twists of big data. As conclusion he has quoted Bruce Mau: „When everything is connected to everything, […]


Sanctions against Iran partially lifted

Sanctions against Iran partially lifted

Switzerland has lifted its sanctions against Iran yesterday partially. As the first country Switzerland is implementing the decision of the UN from 20 July 2015. What an important prerequisite, that the prospects for the people of Iran gradually grow back. To unconditionally connect worlds is our concern. Join our community. Read more : News in […]


World Success of Multicultural Nation

World Success of Multicultural Nation

Singapore became independent 50 years ago – his development, it owes authoritarianism and cultural openness. Without natural resources Singapore in 1965 released by the British Empire in the independence. It was considered hardly viable and has blossomed astonishingly under Lee Kuan Yew. While other Southeast Asian countries in the sixties occured nationalist, discriminatory and confrontational towards neighboring […]


How Imagination Ensures our Global Sovereignty

How Imagination Ensures our Global Sovereignty

We human beings have gained the most power of all living species worldwide because of our imagination. We are able to create new realities, that help us to cooperate more flexibel and in much greater groups than any other creatures. How imagination Yuval Noah Harari, history lecturer in Jerusalem, presents his fascinating thoughts in his […]
