JOY. IMPULSE: Quantum Leaps by Proud Teams (Barometer of Joy)

Dr. Christina Zech, Birgit Zmrhal
What a security to attain success we can produce by pride. At my JOY. IMPULSE 2016 has us Heiko Nieder, Chef Fine Dining at the Dolder Grand, so excited, that we can imagine the pride of his team pictorially.
Birgit Zmrhal has concretely success feelings activated in us. The expert for high-performance sport and founder of LIFEchanger® Coaching has supervised the german boxing national team at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. The Team achieved the first medal for many years. From this great success, Zmrhal told us impressive, how much increase our chances of success, if we create BEFORE the crucial moment, the sense of pride.earned with the german boxing national team at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro the first medal for many years. From this outstanding success, she told us impressive, how much increase our chances of success, if we create BEFORE the crucial moment, the sense of pride. Her concept of the cycle of joy to energy to success to pride aroused in many of us directly joy of pride.
I THANK Heiko Nieder and Birgit Zmrhal very much for their profound insights. Their practical experience fit exactly the findings from my Barometer of Joy 2016: Thus pride in teams arises, enthusiasm for one’s own actions and identification with the company are important. It’s amazing how important for success feelings in the workforce are today clear workflows and transparent communication. If we maintain it consistently by the organization top, our enthusiastic employees will recommend our company even actively. A wonderful success spiral created!
With my Barometer of Joy I bring the profound benefits of joy in our highly developed industrial nations in mind: How effectively joy can contribute to the success of much needed innovations in organisations and in the society! This confirms the Brain Research repeatedly. Keep the key drivers of proud teams in the eye and enjoy their high return on social investment.