WORLD SALON The West and…Agenda

28. – 29. Januar 2016
Humboldt-Box, Berlin


Thursday, 28 January 2016 Agenda

17.00 h | Orientation
Cultural diversity in the Ancient Orient.
Dr. Margarete van Ess presents selected treasures of art to us in the Pergamon museum and Islamic Museum.

18.30-21.00 h | Eve of the WORLD SALON


Friday, 29 January 2016

10.00 h | Greeting, introduction.
Dr. Christina Zech, WORLD SALON founder

10.20 h | Pole
Perspectives of global citizenship after Hegel.
Dr. Christian Hofmann
Religion and politics in the Islamic world.
Dr. Bahman Nirumand

11.20 h | Grid I
Oriental and occidental social concepts.
Helena Henneken, Prof. Dr. Robert Kappel and Dr. Margarete van Ess: Ask the previous speakers.
Babylon. Multi-ethnicity and religious diversity as a reality of life in the Ancient Orient.
Dr. Margarete van Ess

12.30 h | Lunch

13.30 h | Grid II
Social and Economic Ideals in Postcolonial Africa: What are the Opportunities for the Future?
Prof. Dr. Robert Kappel
Unimagined meetings and concepts of life in an Islamic country.
Helena Henneken

14.30 h | Firmament
Guests in cultural groups: Questions to „their“ lecturers. Development of solution impulses.

15.30 h |Coffee and refreshments

16.00 h | Shooting stars
Cultural groups: Approaches for a transcultural society.

17.00 h | Fixed star
Passing our WORLD SALON statements.

18.00 h | The WORLD SALON closes