German Archeologists Return in Iraq

27.11.2015 - 14:25

WORLD SALON speaker Margarete van Ess continues her heart project and is honored as „excellent ambassador for Germany“.
Wars, conflicts and the iconoclasm of the Islamic state threaten cultural assets in the Arabian world. For the first time since 2002 German archeologists pursued again fieldwork in Southern Iraq – under big safety measures.
… However, of these and other topical findings near Kufa mark at the same time a small archeology-political sensation. „We could work there for the first time since 2002 again academically“, reports Margarete van Ess, leader of the East department of the German archaeological institute. The fieldwork to Al-Hira, the important town of the Lahmiden dynasty from the time from the 3rd to the 10th century A. D. , it has become possible because it is relatively quiet in Southern Iraq after a row of bomb attacks since long time.
Read the whole article (in German):