Great Prospects for FIFA World Cup

11.06.2014 - 08:43

The FIFA World Cup in 2014 in Brazil offers which superlatives: highest assignment rights, highest takings for organizers and sponsors, most online fan sites, greatest public screenings. What a celebration of the sports, what a great, worldwide encounter! But the sparkling economic success and the social protests earn the FIFA also versatile criticism in Brazil.

What kind of change in meaning lets itself be seen at this tournament: The middle class of Brazil uses the international attention to call in radical reforms of the government. The people desire to be part of the world’s vanguard – not only in the football but economically and socially. If there were protests from the outside particularly at politically controversial host countries till now, then it is the people who want to give her situation a turn in Brazil itself. What a great social importance attains the world’s No 1 sport through this!

Football  ̶  the most international sports at all: Native and newcomer from most different origins play into national teams shirt to shirt. Most countries at all compete with each other. People of different kinds of cultures meet at the public screening in till now unknown measure.

My World Salon World Religion Football considered in November 2013 in his statements to take up this enthusiasm for the sports and to use for the encounter of the cultures in strength and respect.

The FIFA recognizes her social meaning increasingly and shows herself open to the impulses of my World Salon: Their marvellous campaign «Say No to Racism» further moves to the foreground. The great youth football tournaments like Gothia Cup or Danone Cup reach a magnificent internationality. The IOC launches an education program during the new Youth Olympic Games for the attendees.

There are so great, further chances to promote the communication of the people in the breadth and therefore lasting: With intercultural Changing Teams of the youth teams connected with mutual interviews; with a positive reporting about the mutual enlargement of cultures. Which reconciliation, which solution of conflicts is possibly – worldwide!

My concern is unconditionally connect worlds. Take part!

I wish you marvelous gates and enriching meetings!