How the renewal of the Arabian language could change the society.
07.09.2015 - 08:13
The gap between Highly Arabic and colloquial language is striking. More and more people wish that the official language approaches to the real life. Particularly during the Arabian spring it was demanded in Egypt. Traditional representatives and leaders reject the change of the ancient tradition strictly. How the renewal of the Arabian language
The Egyptian author Mansoura Ez-Eldin designs the following perspective: The high arabic would need „an occupation“: It would have to be transformed, torn from the menacing solidification and be opened on new horizons. In the first, most difficult step we would have to learn again to call the things with the name instead of letting steer us from the automatisms which make our language tools of the deception, the compulsion and the corruption. We must release the Arabian from its wooden empty phrases, its routines and stereotypes.
It seems to be a long way and it will be interesting, what answers can find the Islamic societies by their own.
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Read more about Mansoura Ez-Eldin on Quantara and on Ez-Eldin´s blog.