Quality of Life in Germany
23.04.2015 - 15:28
„What do you think is important in life? What, in your opinion, is characteristic of the quality of life in Germany? These are questions that the German government would like to discuss directly with the people. The national dialogue gives everybody in Germany the chance to make their voices heard and to contribute their ideas – either in person at the events being held up and down the country or online.
The results of the online dialogue and all the events held throughout the country will be evaluated with the help of independent academics, and used to draw up indicators of quality of life, to which the German government will gear its actions in future. A report will provide information about the current quality of life in Germany and about trends. The German government will draw up an action plan that will lay out specific steps to further improve the quality of life.“ Find out more.
The Pursuit of Happiness is part of the Declaration of Indepence of the United States and crucial for the American Dream. Bhutan focus at its Gross National Happiness. Will Germany establish a new perspective of quality of life, also?