Bahman Nirumand’s latest Iran Report
WORLD SALON speaker Bahman Nirumand reports about the execution of two minors, Steinmeiers visit in Teheran and a photo exhibition on Iran in Berlin. This and other news from politics, culture and economy in the November issue of the Iran report. With the election Hassan Rohanis to the Iranian president and his assumption of office […]
German Archeologists Return in Iraq
WORLD SALON speaker Margarete van Ess continues her heart project and is honored as „excellent ambassador for Germany“. Wars, conflicts and the iconoclasm of the Islamic state threaten cultural assets in the Arabian world. For the first time since 2002 German archeologists pursued again fieldwork in Southern Iraq – under big safety measures. … […]
Should the West Limit Itself?
Heinz Theisen opens us a wide historic and inspiring perspective: „The West believed that his values would pacify the world. However, the unipolar Western world order was a utopia. Instead of the end of history, we now have endless conflicts.“ (Guest commentary – in German – in NZZ, 4.11.15). Should the West limit itself? How […]
World Success of Multicultural Nation
Singapore became independent 50 years ago – his development, it owes authoritarianism and cultural openness. Without natural resources Singapore in 1965 released by the British Empire in the independence. It was considered hardly viable and has blossomed astonishingly under Lee Kuan Yew. While other Southeast Asian countries in the sixties occured nationalist, discriminatory and confrontational towards neighboring […]
Refugees do Community Work in Swiss Alps
What a pioneering project in Switzerland. It provides opportunities for meaningful integration of refugees – which is a worldwide challenge. It could help to furthering the national discussions about integrating migrants in local labor market – which is a great challenge as well. If it helps to find a perspective for migrants and to close […]
Migration and Challenges in South Africa
Europe seeks solutions for refugees from Africa. Up to 1000 a day immigrate this year in southern Europe. The distinction between refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants is becoming increasingly blurred. What a challenge for Europe, to open up the refugees and all people in the country real opportunities to organize and to improve their […]
Congrats for Solar Impulse – „We are in Hawaii“
What a great success for André Borschberg and Betrand Piccard: they really crossed the pacific without fuel! They fullfilled Piccard’s outstanding, historic vision of a zero-fuel airplaine of unlimited endurance. Congrats for Solar impulse What courage, what great teamwork, what strong and longlasting believe in this great aim. Even weeks of unsecure weather prospects in Japan […]
Tremendous Change in Energy Requirement
What a crucial news gives us BP chief executive Bob Dudley: the consumption of energy stagnates and is expected to go down in the next decades. Tremendous Change in Energy Requirement First of all it is China’s less need, but second there is a significant effect in emerging countries caused by decoupling of energy consumption […]