Normality is the Greatest Luxury

Normality is the Greatest Luxury

The corona crisis shows us around the world that there is nothing better than normality. We learn now: Normality is the greatest luxury. There is nothing more important than being healthy, having food, being around people without fear. All of this is currently not possible for many of us or is questioned. In normal times, […]


The Changing Nature of Happiness

The Changing Nature of Happiness

„What makes you happy?“ asked Sandie McHugh and Jerome Carson, University of Bolton, United Kingdom, in the same way, as Mass Observation did in their famous study in Bolton nearly 80 years before. The surprising results: In 1938 security, knowledge and religion were seen as being the three most important aspects of happiness. In 2014 […]




Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead THANK you for your wonderful participation in the Connect Worlds BAROMETER Of JOY. What a chance to influence our perspectives. Worldwide. Be curious about the results. They will be presented […]


The Value of Joy

The Value of Joy

Joy is an honest added value in human interactions. Joy creates by heart, what the mind alone cannot produce: true moments of being & enjoying. Heinz Kaegi – Leadership Expert


Nothing Makes People Happier Than to Share the Joy!

Nothing Makes People Happier Than to Share the Joy!

The Barometer of Joy is fantastic! Because joy is actually measurable! Joy and happiness are not a coincidence! Each of us can actively do something for it. Whether young or old: joy is contagious! We all bear responsibility for the social climate in our society. People who are worn full of appreciation, respect and joy, […]


Measuring National Wellbeing in United Kingdom

Measuring National Wellbeing in United Kingdom

United Kingdom has been starting to develope new measures of national well-being in 2014. The aim is to provide a fuller picture of how society is doing by supplementing existing economic, social and environmental measures. The trend in March 2015: Life satisfaction graws, mental well-being falls.  Read the latest results. Why UK measures well-being? „It […]
