The Origins of Pleasure

04.12.2014 - 12:11

We are much fascinated about the specific origin of pieces of art. The neuro scientist Paul Bloom has proved this impressively: The unique creation act of a picture, the possession of an everyday object by a famous person raise her value of us terrifically. The experience from my World Salon points: The central core of big social ideas inspires us also! The technical revolution in the 19th century as a base of our big prosperity; the origin of the European Union which changed Europe of the war to the peace continent.

Recognising these unique successful factors inspires us and leads us to unexpected creativity. The joy is central for the advancement of our western societies as appears in my conversation with Simon Brunner to the Barometer of Joy for the Bulletin of Credit Suisse:

The “Joy Barometer” is of central social importance. In our industrialized countries, we are losing awareness of our high standard of living. With it, the willingness to continue to keep working toward maintaining it is dwindling, too. A look back at history shows that many advanced civilizations failed precisely at the height of their prosperity. Our own continuous development is therefore necessary to ensure our long-term success. Happiness is a core component of this. After all, happiness makes it possible for us to have clear vision for opportunities, for positive development and so for our prosperity.

What can we do?

We are at a key point in time. The potential for innovation is progressively shifting into the Asian region. The countries there are way ahead of us when it comes to the number of better-trained workers and in terms of natural resources. We need to diligently foster our strongest potential, our innovative strength and pursuit of quality, in order to continue to play a crucial role at an international level.

Read the complete interview in the latest Bulletin of Credit Suisse, p. 35 or here.

I wish you in the Advent season joyfully discovering and care of your very own spring of your joy. To connect worlds unconditionally is my concern, so that the world becomes a more peaceful, happier place for all people. Join us – you are most welcome!